written in the stars

My photo
Venusian. Diamond's child. Birthed on the first morning star. Loves only the one who is on Mars, Topaz's proud&stubborn son, birthed on the twenty-third starset.

Monday, June 27, 2011

flying colours

i think i'd like to make you a science.
at least then, i could recreate p e r f e c t l y the blue of your eyes,
                                                                        the gold of your heart,
                                                                              the tornado of your thinking.

i think i'd like to make you a math.
i could recreate a c c u r a t e l y the angle of your strength,
                                                       the slope of your shoulders,
                                                             the factors of your soul.

i think i'd like to make you a song,
i could recreate e x a c t l y the depth of your voice,
                                                the shards of your ego,
                                                      the glint of your sincerity.

i think i'd like to make you into something

but i'm glad you're not
this way, all these moments are frozen

just for me.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I really like this, the first stanza is my favourite, really like your style. I've just posted a poem on my blog, let me know what you think if you want (:


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