written in the stars

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Venusian. Diamond's child. Birthed on the first morning star. Loves only the one who is on Mars, Topaz's proud&stubborn son, birthed on the twenty-third starset.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

steps, baby, steps

hot lust threads between my talus and calcaneus, 
pulling my medial arch into a curve, 
settling behind my peroneus longus 
and gastrocnemius muscle before 
surging up my hamstring 
and that's what makes me takes the first step.

but it's the sound of your vocal chords, 
writing themselves into the staff of my heartstrings, 
the small bird fluttering around in my ribcage
the angel sheltered in my clavicles, pressing grace 
notes to the thudding behind my sternum so that my 
blood sings in acciaccatura in the presence of your name 
that makes me take the second one.

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