your poison seeps through each cell of my skin and mutates me into a ball of suspicions and fear and jealousy. each of your words play over and over in my mind and all i can think is why am i not good enough for anyone ever. i'm so tired of keeping everyone else's pain and misery in mind. i'm so tired of looking after you and watching your back only to have myself stomped to vicious pieces just because you felt like it. i'm tired of being shattered by people that i actually care about. i have a heart too. i get hurt too. i cry too.
grow up and take responsibility for your actions; it's not like i haven't told you what the fuck the problem is.
and that's when it hits me.
i am good enough; i've always been good enough. it's you who's lacking, it's you that's the problem.
if you want to leave, just fucking leave already.
(stop putting on fake tears and smiles and love yous.
you're tainting the word love, and making me taint it too
[love you, love you, fuck you, fuck you.]
and that's not fair to everyone else i really, really love.)
i won't stop you.
and i won't cry for you.
[the circle is finally broken.]
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